Bryan Kelly Blare
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(480) 835-4440
955 W Southern Ave Suite 122, Mesa, AZ 85210, USA
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Area Served:Within 4 miles (6.4km) of 955 W Southern Ave Suite 122, Mesa, AZ 85210, USAGet more exposure
Dr. Bryan “Kelly” Blare is an Arizona native who has worked with Nationwide Vision for over 37 years. His undergraduate degree in Biology with a math minor is from Northern Arizona University. Pursuing Optometry school, he later graduated from Pacific University College of Optometry with honors in clinic. He has practiced at the Mesa Medical Center since 2015. Prior to this he developed a large patient base at a high-volume retail location in Mesa. Some of his patients have seen only him for 37+ years. There is a family where he still sees all 4 generations. Since starting in 1986, Dr. Blare has received numerous company awards for quality patient care including being one of the first to receive the Nationwide Vision Presidential Award in 2001. He has served as a training mentor for onboarding Doctors as well as a liaison to his company peers for support and resolution.
Dr. Blare has a clinical passion for ocular emergencies and difficult cases. Willing to take on these cases has given him the nickname “Cowboy”. He is well versed in glaucoma, red eyes, diabetic retinopathy, dry eye management, retinal exams and specialty contact lens fits. He is an Adjunct Clinical Professor for Pacific University College of Optometry and Midwestern University, Glendale campus. He has taught clinical skills to nearly 60 Optometry student interns since starting at the Medical Center. Many of which have made Eye-care Partners their choice of practice. He holds 2 active state licenses, Arizona and New Mexico.
Dr. Blare has been Blessed to be married for 39+ years, has 3 sons and 4 grandsons so far. Since his grandchildren live out of state, he and his wife travel often to see them. Because he grew up in a family that had a passion for the outdoors, Boy Scouts and hunting it would seem fitting that he would follow those traditions. In 1975 he received the Boy Scout rank of Eagle, is one of few with the God and Country award and was a member of the Order of the Arrow. His passion is spending time and building relationships with his sons hunting. Some of the favorite hunts are archery bull elk, javelina and Texas hogs. In 2019 he shot a trophy class bull elk at 362 yards with a muzzleloader with one of his sons at his side spotting. He also volunteers time to Outdoor Experience 4 All to help Wounded Warriors and youth with life threatening illnesses.
Google Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (23 total ratings)